Wednesday, May 16, 2007

"Promo Homo, Part 2"

Some promotional stuff for the Pride Theater Festival is coming up, which means we're getting even closer to the actual event.

On May 20, "The G Spod" will feature an interview with playwright Ryan McKelvey and his director, Jeff Simpson. The host is a Pittsburgh DJ named "G" whom I "met" on MySpace and who invited us to promote the festival on his podcast.

The June issue of Out (Pittsburgh's gay newspaper of long standing) includes a feature article about yours truly.

Also, I'm going to be interviewed for Rustbelt Radio, a local indie station - the actual taping is May 30, and I'll get back to you with the date it airs.

Rehearsals for Their Town continue at the ASH Galleries in Lawrenceville - I haven't attended any yet, but will be doing so soon (with some minor revisions of the script in hand…).

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